Learn about body-worn cameras

The Miami-Dade Police Department has implemented the use of body-worn cameras to improve police services, increase accountability for individual interactions, enhance public safety and to capture the officer’s encounters and interactions with others. Additionally, research has shown that when officers are outfitted with body-worn cameras, citizen complaints decrease, uses of force incidents decrease, subject behavior improves, transparency and public trust is enhanced and cost savings are provided due to decreased litigation.

The body-worn cameras are small, battery-powered camera worn by MDPD police officers on their uniform. The cameras record video and audio, and the files are later stored in a cloud-based service. The footage will be stored for at least the minimum required time by Florida State Statute Chapter 119.071(2)(l)(5).

The footage can be used as evidence and document use of force incidents. Find out how to submit a public records request to obtain MDPD body-worn camera footage.

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Originally published at https://www.miamidade.gov/global/news-item.page?Mduid_news=news1508532838027476

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