Implementation of INFORMS Strategic Sourcing

Miami-Dade County implemented INFORMS ERP system in April 2021, which replaced the legacy financial and procurement systems. The INFORMS project team along with the Strategic Procurement Division of the Internal Services Department (now the Strategic Procurement Department) are in the final stages of preparing to roll-out the Strategic Sourcing module – the County’s new online bidding platform. This platform is included in the INFORMS and will replace the current BidSync system.

The Strategic Sourcing module will become available through the County’s eSupplier Portal on June 1, 2022. The BidSync system will be phased out after the implementation of the Strategic Sourcing module. The BidSync system will remain available for vendors to submit their bids/proposals that were advertised through the BidSync system prior to June 1, 2022.

After May 31, 2022, solicitations will be advertised through the Strategic Sourcing module of INFORMS, and vendors will be able to submit their bids/proposals through INFORMS eSupplier Portal. A dedicated helpdesk comprised of County staff will be available during regular County business hours (8AM – 5PM) to provide support for all Strategic Sourcing related questions.

We hope that this change will improve your experience of doing business with the County. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we strive to integrate the numerous new capabilities of INFORMS system. We value your contribution to County procurement operations and are grateful for your on-going support as we transition to the new business processes and the INFORMS system.

For more informaiton, call 305-375-5773 or email [email protected].

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