Florida Supreme Court names Registrant Advocate for summer 2020 Bar exam applicants

Florida Supreme Court names Registrant Advocate for summer 2020 Bar exam applicants

The Florida Supreme Court has named Florida State University law school Dean Erin O’Hara O’Connor as the Registrant Advocate to work with Florida Bar examinees unable to take the 2020 summer Bar exam due to pandemic test failures.

Under the program, examinees can use an online form to contact both the Registrant Advocate and the Florida Board of Bar Examiners about issues like software or testing accommodations. Or they will be able to contact the Registrant Advocate anonymously by email to RegistrantAdvocate@flcourts.org with their concerns.

The new Registrant Advocate position was created after the regular July 2020 Bar exam was canceled due to health and safety concerns in the coronavirus pandemic. A rescheduled August exam was later canceled because of failures in an online testing system.

Examinees also can use the form to seek help with the new supervised practice program that lets 2020 examinees work temporarily in the law under the supervision of licensed Florida attorneys. The supervised practice program was created as a stopgap for those unable to complete testing requirements in the usual time.

The Bar Examiners have rescheduled the next Florida Bar exam for October 13, with testing potentially continuing October 14 for any candidates who receive test accommodations. The exam will be administered using an online format provided by ExamSoft.

The board will provide more information to applicants this month about software installation instructions and mock examinations to familiarize them with the software that will be used for the examination. A backup testing plan is also being developed, with details to be announced once they are complete. 

Applicants should check the Bar Examiner’s website regularly for updates in details and for additional announcements about the upcoming exam.


Originally published at https://supremecourt.flcourts.gov/News-Media/Court-News/Florida-Supreme-Court-names-Registrant-Advocate-for-summer-2020-Bar-exam-applicants

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