Gimenez on Biden Administration giving TPS to Venezuelan nationals living in the United States

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Carlos A. Gimenez issued the following statement after the Biden Administration announced the establishment of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuelan nationals living in the United States:

“I applaud the decision by President Biden and his national security team for establishing TPS for Venezuelans. Countless Venezuelan nationals live in my district, most fleeing from the scourge of communism and fearing for their lives. They have found a home in America, one where they can express themselves freely without fear of political retribution and where they can work to fulfill their God-given potential.

“Nicolás Maduro and his criminal communist regime have stolen the wealth, obliterated the civil rights, persecuted, and tortured the people of Venezuela, forcing millions to leave their homeland seeking the freedom and security that they cannot find in his own nation.

\r\n“I hope that the Biden administration will continue taking actions in favor of the democracy in the region and will not give concessions to the criminal regimes of Havana and Caracas. I extend my recognition to congressman and my friend Mario Diaz-Balart for his constant commitment to ensure that our Venezuelan community could achieve this important goal.”


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