Congressman Carlos Gimenez Introduces Legislative Package to Support Israel

Congressman Carlos Gimenez Introduces Legislative Package to Support Israel

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Carlos A. Giménez introduced H.R. 3393, the U.S.-Israel Cooperation expansion Act of 2023 and H. Res. 409 in support of the Democratic Jewish State of Israel. Amid the recent senseless attacks on the State of Israel by Jihadist terrorists, Congressman Carlos A. Giménez is introducing two pieces of pro-Israel legislation to cultivate greater relations with our strongest ally in the Middle East.

For the past week we have witnessed how murderous jihadist terrorists have launched a full-scale assault on the democratic, Jewish State of Israel,said Rep. Carlos A. Giménez (R-FL). “I am proud to introduce this legislation to reaffirm America’s support for Israel and strengthen our security cooperation in the fight against global terror.”

H.R. 3393, the U.S.-Israel Cooperation expansion Act of 2023, is co-sponsored by Reps.  makes it the official policy of the United States to support bilateral law enforcement training between the two nations. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, more than 1,000 law enforcement officers and first responders traveled to Israel to participate in joint training sessions to combat terrorism, manage mass casualty situations, and manage and mitigate other security events. 

Israel has long been a strategic partner in advancing U.S. military readiness, homeland defense, energy, and cybersecurity. Joint military exercises between Israel and the United States are a proven success. This bill brings the same approach to law enforcement cooperation to share best practices to better protect American communities. 

This bill also supports Israel’s inclusion to the 85-nation coalition that sent law enforcement personnel to the International Law Enforcement Academy to enhance efforts to fight transnational crime. 

H. Res. 409 condemns the acts of terrorism committed by Iranian military proxies, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against the people of the Democratic State of Israel.

Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) represents Miami-Dade County and the Florida Keys. He previously served as Mayor of Miami-Dade County, which boasts one of the largest Jewish communities in the United States. Congressman Gimenez serves on the prestigious Armed Services and Homeland Security committees, and is a leading voice on national security issues.


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