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Kansas Lottery Moves to Instant Game Management Partnership with Scientific Games

Joe Carlson ~ 6/1/2024
Company 's Game Portfolio Management , Advanced Logistics and Analytics Will Drive More Profits for State Programs in KansasATLANTA , May 28 , 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Scientific Games will provide the company 's world-leading instant game management program to the Kansas Lottery . The Scientific Games Enhanced Partnership program advances

Company's Game Portfolio Management, Advanced Logistics and Analytics Will Drive More Profits for State Programs in Kansas

ATLANTA, May 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Scientific Games will provide the company's world-leading instant game management program to the Kansas Lottery. The Scientific Games Enhanced Partnership program advances the Lottery's relationship with the company to drive sales performance and more profits to fund state programs in Kansas. Scientific Games has provided the Kansas Lottery's systems technology since 2018.

The Scientific Games Enhanced Partnership program will provide the Kansas Lottery with portfolio management and game planning services, data analytics, advanced logistics, licensed brand services, and retail sales and marketing support. The program is used by more than 20 lotteries, including five of the top six performing instant game lotteries worldwide. The program drove 33% better performance for U.S. lotteries using the program in fiscal year 2022-23 (MAP weekly per capita sales).

The Scientific Games Enhanced Partnership program will provide the Kansas Lottery with portfolio management and game planning services, data analytics, advanced logistics, licensed brand services, and retail sales and marketing support. The program is used by more than 20 lotteries, including five of the top six performing instant game lotteries worldwide. The Scientific Games Enhanced Partnership program drove 33% better performance for U.S. lotteries using the program in fiscal year 2022-23 (MAP weekly per capita sales).

In addition to the Scientific Games Enhanced Partnership, the company will also deploy its SCiQ retail ecosystem at select Kansas Lottery retailers. The SCiQ system improves instant game inventory management and the retailer's experience selling lottery products while providing enhanced security and real-time, store-level sales analytics.

Stephen Durrell, Executive Director of the Kansas Lottery, said, "We are excited to advance our collaboration with Scientific Games through this expanded partnership. The track record of this technology-driven program is promising, and it provides an opportunity for us to grow the performance of our entire game portfolio."

The Scientific Games Enhanced Partnership program comes to the Kansas Lottery for five years, with the option to extend for an additional five years. Scientific Games staff will provide its industry-leading experience in developing instant game programs in collaboration with the Lottery as well as provide customized insights through its patented Infuse analytics engine.

John Schulz, President Americas and Global Instant Products for Scientific Games, said, "As a systems customer since 2018, the Kansas Lottery is adding the SGEP program and technology that will expertly manage instant products across its network of approximately 1,700 retailers using data analytics. This takes vision and a willingness to create change in their instant game program and we commend the Lottery's leadership team on their work to continually improve profits for the state of Kansas."

With products representing 70% of instant scratch game retail sales globally, Scientific Games is the world's largest lottery games creator, producer and services provider in the world. The company provides retail and digital games, technology, analytics and services to 150 lotteries in 50 countries around the globe.

Infuse, MAP and SCiQ® are trademarks of Scientific Games. © 2024 Scientific Games, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

About Scientific Games

Scientific Games is a global leader in retail and digital games, technology, analytics and services that drive profits for government-sponsored lottery and sports betting programs. From enterprise gaming platforms to exciting entertainment experiences and trailblazing retail and digital solutions, we elevate play every day. We are industry pioneers in instant games, data analytics, retail solutions and iLottery. Built on a foundation of trusted partnerships since 1973, Scientific Games combines relentless innovation, performance and unwavering security to responsibly propel the industry forward. For more information, visit

SOURCE Scientific Games, LLC Originally published at Images courtesy of

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk via Pexels

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